
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Saskatchewan Youth voted Saskatchewan Party in droves

 The Youth vote in Saskatchewan has been moving away from the New Democrats for years now. The trend began in the 1980s when the 'Baby Bust' generation first came of voting again, and the trend appears to be gaining strength. For Saskatchewan New Democrats who wish to understand why this is happening, they should start listening to the young people who are in their party. Most of the youngish New Democrats I know are much like young Liberals and young conservatives in the province; they are hard working, ambitious, and probably relate more to individual cues than collective ones. Many are savvy investors and are more interested in self-employment than belonging to a union. They are concerned about poor people and social equality, but also want to be able to reward themselves. 

Many young New Democrats in Saskatchewan mention this man as someone who inspires them. While these young people are quick to point out that they part with Paul on some economic stuff, how long can it be before they ultimately buy into his economic message as well?

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