
Friday, September 16, 2011

Brendan Cross seeks Green Party leadership

No, this is not the theatre of the absurd, you read the headline correctly. Brendan Cross is running in the September 25 leadership race for the Green Party of Saskatchewan. Interim leader Victor Lau is also in the running. May the best man win!


Saskboy said...

I put more faith in Victor Lau, as I enjoy talking with him, and I've not felt comfortable talking with Cross when I did so more than a year ago. It doesn't make sense to show up as a candidate suddenly, and then after scathing media reviews declare a leadership challenge.

Malcolm+ said...

I gather it was the decision of the Green Party executive demanding that Larissa Shasko sign off on Brendan Cross as a candidate which was the final straw leading to her resignantion.

I'm a big believer in second chances, even redemption. But Cross's troubled past is so extensive, so serious and especially so recent that one has to question how any party could approve him as a candidate and still expect to be taken seriously.